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Visitor Market Research Testing Process

Process for VMR testing 

  • VMR is a very important part of the development process and beyond. It allows us to test our work with visitors from the Museum to assist in making decisions to go to the next stage. 

  • The project team and vendor will agree on what VMR sessions will happen during a project and when these will be. 

  • The vendor will be asked to provide the files ready for testing in a well tested state (as we will be showing visitors). Well tested doesn’t mean complete, we understand that this is an iterative process. 

  • The decision for when and what we test will not only sit with the core project team, but we will also liaise with a member from the VMR team so that they can embed their knowledge into these decisions. 

  • For VMR testing, we will also need to decide where we will test and how in the early stages of the project so that we can work towards this as it can be tricky in the Museum to find testing space, especially if scale is involved. 

  • The VMR team, project team and vendor will work together to pull the list of questions that the VMR team will ask our visitors on the day. 


VMR testing – on the day 

  • The files provided by the vendor will have been sent a week before and the DX team will have tested them on the correct hardware. 

  • The VMR team will work with the DX team on the day to ensure that the Digital Experience is ready for testing. 

  • The VMR team will work all day to recruit visitors and record the results. 


VMR testing – after testing is complete 

  • The VMR team will produce a report from the testing day to the project team around one week after the testing date. This will outline the findings and recommendations. 

  • These will be discussed with the vendor and together the team will agree on what actions to take forward.