Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Sedum album L.
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
New Zealand, South Island, Canterbury Plains Ecological Region, Ellesmere Ecological District, near Lake Ellesmere, Birdlings Flat
Field Collection Date
16 Dec 1990
Field Collection Notes
Behind beach. Beside sandy paths near houses.
Succulent herb with stems prostrate and rooting in
lower part, becoming erect and bearing leaves.
Leaves slanting upwards, to c.8 mm long (longest
ones on inflorescence stems), green thick c.flat
above, rounded below. Inflorescence on erect leafy
rachises much > branches, c.finely red-dotted.
Sepals c.1.5 mm long, broadly ovate-elliptic and
rounded, often red-dotted. Corolla star-like,
white. Petals c.3.5 mm long, c.elliptic. Stamens
c.3.5 mm long; filaments white; anthers purple.
Styles c.1.5 mm long, white; ovaries white. Glands
yellow. Large mats in places along the main track.
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-43.81667, 172.75
172.75, 172.75 (c.)
Last Update
21 Nov 2016
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