Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Kunzea ? robusta de Lange & Toelken
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
New Zealand, North Island, Whakatane Ecological Region, Te Teko Ecological District, Whakatane, Coastlands subdivision
Field Collection Date
12 Jul 2007
Field Collection Notes
Small stand approximately 20 x 10 m square + 2 nearby plants present amongst Lupinus arboreus, smilax, ngaio and tall fescue. Stand heavily windshorn and in early stages of flowering. Sent in as Kunzea aff. ericoides (e) "Thornton". However branchlet hairs dominated by long, antrorse-appressed, flexuous hairs typical of K. aff. ericoides (b) - a few small divergent hairs present suggestive of past introgressions with K. aff. ericoides (e)
[Kunzea robusta or hybrid - hairs mostly long antrorse-appressed - P J de Lange, Oct 2007]
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-37.9375, 176.98111
176.98111, 176.98111
sp. ?
Last Update
22 Nov 2016
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