Object Type
Maori and the environment : kaitiaki
Other Name
Kaitiaki (Alternate title)
Primary Maker
Physical Description
xi, 359 pages : illustrations, maps ; 21 cm
Level of Current Record
Bib record
Member Object
Subject Category
Part I: Kaitiakitanga -- Ngati Kahu kaitiakitanga / Margaret Mutu -- Noku te whenua o oku tupuna: Ngati Pareraukawa kaitiakitanga / Rachel Selby and Pataka Moore -- The Foreshore and Seabed Act: five years on, where to from here / Tracey Whare -- Rawaho: in and out of the environmental engagement loop / Veronica M.H. Tawhai -- Ka mate kainga tahi, ka ora kainga rua: Tuhoe and the environment: the impact of the Tuhoe diaspora on the Tuhoe environment / Rangi Matamua and Pou Te Rangiua Temara -- Climate change implications for Maori / Lisa Kanawa
Part II: Wai Maori -- The death of the Manawatu River / Malcolm Mulholland -- Nga Wai Pounamu: the state of South Island waterways, a Ngai Tahu perspective / Craig Pauling -- Cultural opportunity assessments: introducing a framework for assessing the suitability of stream flow from a cultural perspective / Gail Tipa -- Uncharted waters: recent settlements as new spaces for enhancing Maori participation in fresh-water management and decision making / April Bennett -- Nga Pae o Rangitikei: a model for collective hapu/iwi action? / Te Rina Warren -- Recovering our ancestral landscapes: a wetland's story / Margaret Forster
Part III: Heritage and protection -- Environment as a marae locale / Merata Kawharu -- Outstanding universal value: how relevant is indigineity? / Mason Durie -- There's a rumble in the jungle: 1080 poisoning our forests or a necessary tool? / Shaun C. Ogilvie, Aroha Miller and James M. Ataria -- Toxic environments: Maori Vietnam veterans and Agent Orange / Cherryl Smith -- Biocolonialism and resisting the commodification of biodiversity in Aotearoa / Jessica Hutchings and Angeline Greensill -- Type II Diabetes and the long-finned tuna / Marie Nixon-Benton -- Ma te whakaaro, ma te kotahitanga, ka whai oranga Te Taiao / Huhana Smith -- contributors -- bibliography -- index.
Public Access Text
[Keywords: Environmental protection--Citizen participation--New Zealand; Water conservation--New Zealand]
Collection of 19 papers by Maori writers "Published with the support of Te Wananga-o-Raukawa"--Title page verso Includes bibliographical references (pages 331-351) and index.
Collection Type
Reading Room
Last Update
19 Dec 2023
The development of the Auckland War Memorial Museum online collection is an ongoing process; updates, new images and records are added weekly. In some cases, records have yet to be confirmed by Museum staff, and there could be mistakes or omissions in the information provided.