The Contents.
Chap. I. Our out-set from England ; account of our separation from our Consort ; transactions amongst the Canary and Cape de Verd Islands, and Voyage continu?d as far as the island of St. Catharines on the coast of Brasil
Chap. II. Arrival at the Island of St. Catharines on the coast of Brasil, in the Latitude of 26 deg. 30 min. South, and remarkable transactions there.
Voyage from thence continu?d all along the Coast of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, and passage through the Straights of Le Mair, with all the remarkable occurrences till we arriv?d at the Island of Chiloe on the Coast of Chili.
Chap. III. Arrival at the Island of Chiloe, on the Coast of Chili ; our most remarkable transactions there, and the description of the place and inhabitants.
Voyage continued from thence to the Bay of Conception, in the Latitude of 36 deg. 40 min. South on the Coast of Chili
Chap. VI. Arrival in the Bay of Conception, in the Latitude of 36 deg. 40 min. South on the Coast of Chili, and transactions whilst we lay there
Bay of Conception describ?d
Voyage continu?d from thence to the Island of Juan Fernandes, and from thence to Copiapo ; and from thence to Arica , in the Latitude of 18 deg. 25 min. South on the Coast of Peru
Chap. V. Arrival in the Road of Arica, in the Latitude of 18 deg. 25 min. South on the Coast of Peru, and the transactions there.
Arica describ?d
Voyage continu?d from Arica along the Coast of Peru to Payta, in the latitude of 5 deg. 15 min. South on the same Coast, and the remarkable incidents in that passage. The Islands of Lobos describ?d.
Chap. VI. Arrival in the Cove of Payta on the Coast of Peru. An Account of our transactions there, particularly of our taking the town of Payta, and engagement with the Spanish Admiral in that harbour
Voyage continu?d from thence to the Southward, as far as the Island of Juan Fernandes
Second arrival at the Island of Juan Fernandes, where we were shipwreck?d upon it
Our manner of living on the Island of Juan Fernandes.
Description of the Island of Juan Fernandes, in the Latitude of 33 deg. 30 min. South, 90 leagues from the Coast of Chili
Departure from the Island of Juan Fernandes in the Bark we built there, called the Recovery ; with our engagements and most remarkable incidents in her, particularly (p. 267) our taking the Lieutenancy of Iquique ; and a description of the Island of that name, on the coast of Peru
Chap. VIII. Arrival in the road for Pulco, in the Latitude of 13 deg. 45 min. South of the Coast of Peru, where we took a Spanish Ship call?d the Jesus Maria
Voyage continu?d in the Jesus Maria, along the Coast of Peru, till our Second arrival at Payta
Chap. IX. Our second arrival in the Cove of Payta, in the latitude of 5 deg. 15 min. South on the Coast of Peru, which Town we took a second time by Stratagem, &C.
Description of the Town of Payta, &c.
Voyage continu?d to the island of Gorgona, and from thence to the Island of Quibo, on the cCost of Mexico.
Chap. X. Arrival at the island of Quibo, in the latitude of 7 deg. 30 min. North on the Western Coast of Mexico. Our transactions both there and at Point Mariato, in the Gulf of St. Martin
Voyage continu?d along the Coast of Mexico
Meet Captain Clipperton in the Success, after two years separation. Some incidents which happen?d in their Voyage ; and our transactions with Captain Clipperton afterwards. And an account of our several distresses on the Coast of Mexico, till we arriv?d in the road of Sonfonnate
Chap. XI. Arrival in the Road of Sonfonnate. In the Latitude of 13 deg. North on the Coast of Mexico, where we took a Spanish ship call?d the Sacra Familia ; and an account of all our transactions in that Road
Voyage continu?d to the South Eastward down the Coast of Mexico, in the Sacra Familia, which we had exhang?d for the Jesus Maria
Arrival in the Gulph of Amapala, and the disappointment we met with there, and we suffer?d thereupon till our arrival at the island of Cano, in the latitude of 9 deg. 00 min. North on the Coast of Mexico ; from whence we go a second time to the island of Quibo
Chap. XII. Second arrival at the Island of Quibo, in the latitude of 7 deg. 30 min. North on the Coast of Mexico
Description of the Island of Quibo, and Canal Bueno
Voyage continu?d from Quibo into the Bay of Panama, with all the remarkable occurrences in that passage, but particularly out being attack?d by a Spanish Ship call?d the Conception de Recova, but in the end we take her. Voyage continu?d afterwards back again to Cano, and from thence to the Islands of Tres Maria, and Puerto Seguro in California, in the Latitude of 23 deg. 5 min. North ; With some remarks on the winds and currents on the Coast of Mexico
Chap. XIII. Arrival in Puerto Sergo in Californica, and an account of whatever remarkable happen?d whilst we were there
Description of the Southernmost part of California and its inhabitants
Chap. XIV. Containing some remarks on the passage into the Great South Sea, and some instructions to such as may for the future go to cruise on the Western Coasts of North and South America
Chap. XV. Transactions in our passage between Puerto Seguro in California and the River of Canton in China
Chap. XVI. Arrival in the River of Canton and transactions there
Chap. XVII. Containing an account of our passage for China into England in the Cadogan East-India Man, commanded by Captain John Hill.