Object Type
Histoire des navigations aux terres australes : contenant ce que l'on scait des moeurs & des productions des contrees decouvertes jusqu'a ce jour; & ou il est traitΘ de l'utilite d'y faire de plus amples decouvertes, & des moyens d'y former un etablissement.
Other Name
De Brosses Terres Australes [Spine Title] (Alternate title)
History of navigations to the southern lands: containing what we saw of the mores & productions of the counterfeits discovered to this day; and where it is discussed the utility of making further discoveries, and the means of forming an establishment there [English translation] (Alternate title)
Primary Maker
Chez Durand
Physical Description
2 volumes ([2], xiv, 463 pages, 7 folded leaves of plates; [2], 513, [1], 2 pages): maps; 26 cm (4to)
Level of Current Record
Bib record
Member Object
Related Object Notes
MS-2000-5 Catalogue of the Mackelvie Collection of Books and Pamphlets
MUS-1995-38-86 Museum correspondence û Mackelvie, James Tannock
N5297 CAT Catalogue of the Mackelvie Collection for Auckland, New Zealand
1st edition
Subject Category
Provenance Details
Spine of both volumes stamped in gold with 'Presented by J.T. Mackelvie'.
Livre 1. Ou╠ il est traite∞ des utilite∞s de la de∞couverte -- Livre 2. Contenant de de∞couvertes faites aux terres australes, dans le cours du seizie╠me sie╠cle -- Livre 3. Contenant les de∞couvertes faites durant le cours du dix-septie╠me sie╠cle -- Livre 4. Contenant les de∞couvertes faites depeuis le commencement du dix-huitie╠me sie╠cle -- Livre 5. Ou╠ il est traite∞ des moyens de former un e∞tablissement aux terres australes -- Additions et supplement, a l'histoire des navigations aux terres australes -- Supple'ment a l'histoire de la Polynesie ? /
Book 1. Where it is dealt with the utilities of discovery -- Book 2. Container of discoveries made in the southern lands, during the sixteenth century -- Book 3. Containing the discoveries made during the course of the seventeenth century -- Book 4. Containing the discoveries made since the beginning of the eighteenth century --Book 5. Where it is dealt with the means of forming an establishment in the southern lands -- Additions and supplement, to the history of the navigations in the southern lands -- In addition to the history of Polynesia ? [English translation]
Public Access Text
[Keywords: Jesuits--Missions--Polynesia--Early works to 1800; Rare books--18th century; Polynesia--Discovery and exploration--Early works to 1800]
Attributed to Charles de Brosses. Includes bibliographical references and index. Hocken p 5 AWMM volume includes details of the discoveries of the Dutch in Australasia.
Collection Type
Reserve Collection
All rights reserved
Last Update
19 Dec 2023
The development of the Auckland War Memorial Museum online collection is an ongoing process; updates, new images and records are added weekly. In some cases, records have yet to be confirmed by Museum staff, and there could be mistakes or omissions in the information provided.