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Museums, society, inequality

documentary heritage

Images and documents


  • Object Type
  • Name/Title
    Museums, society, inequality
  • Other Name

    Museum meanings (Series)

  • Primary Maker
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  • Date
  • Physical Description

    268 p. : 25 cm.

  • Level of Current Record
    Bib record
  • Member Object

    1 item in this collection. View all items.

  • Subject Category
  • Content
    Pt. 1. Museums and society: issues and perspectives. 1. Museums and the combating of social inequality: roles, responsibilities, resistance / Richard Sandell. 2. The good enough visitor / Mark O'Neill. 3. Measuring social value / Carol Scott. 4. Architectures of inclusion: museums, galleries and inclusive communities / Andrew Newman and Fiona McLean. 5. The therapeutic potential of museums as pathways to inclusion / Lois H. Silverman. 6. Buried in the footnotes: the absence of disabled people in the collective imagery of our past / Annie Delin. 7. Representing lesbians and gay men in British social history museums / Angela Vanegas. 8. Remembering ourselves in the work of museums: trauma and the place of the personal in the public / Gaynor Kavanagh
    Pt. 2. Strategies for inclusion. 9. Harnessing the power of history / Ruth J. Abram. 10. Representing diversity and challenging racism: the Migration Museum / Viv Szekeres. 11. Developing a community of practice: museums and reconciliation in Australia / Developing a community of practice: museums and reconciliation iLynda Kelly and Phil Gordon. Developing a community of practice: museums and reconcil12. The National Museums of Kenya and social responsibility: working with street children / The National Museums of Kenya and social responsibility: working with street children / The National Museums of Kenya and social responsibility: working with street children / The National MusFrederick Karanja Mirara. 13. Museums and the health of the community / Jocelyn Dodd. 14. Children's museums in hospitals / Despina Kalessopoulou
    Pt. 3. Towards the inclusive museum. 15. Rethinking heritage: cultural policy and inclusion / Lola Young. 16. Positioning the museum for social inclusion / David Fleming. 17. Maori and museums: the politics of indigenous recognition / David Butts. 18. Inclusion and the power of representation: South African museums and the cultural politics of social transformation / Inclusion and the power of representation: South African museums and the cultural politics of social transformation / Khwezi ka Mpumlwana, Gerard Corsane and Juanita Pastor-Makhurane / Inclusion and the power of representation: South African museums and the cultural politics of social transformation / Kh[et al.].
  • Public Access Text

    Includes bibliographical references.

  • Collection Type
    Reading Room
  • Copyright
    All rights reserved
  • Last Update
    19 Dec 2023
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