Object Type
Man's place in nature and other essays
Other Name
Everyman's library. Science (Series)
Primary Maker
J. M. Dent & Sons
Physical Description
Level of Current Record
Bib record
Member Object
1910 reprint
Subject Category
Provenance Details
J.C. Andersen, 1949
I. On the natural history of man-like apes
II. On the relations of man to the lower animals
III. On some fossil remains of man
IV. The present condition of organic nature
V. The past condition of organic nature
VI. The method by which the causes of the present and past conditions of organic nature are to be discovered - the origin of living beings
VII. The perpetuation of living beings, hereditary transmission and variation
VIII. The conditions of existence as affecting the perpetuation of living beings
IX. A critical examination of the position of Mr Darwin's work, "On the origin of species," in relation to the complete theory of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature
X. On the educational value of the natural history sciences
XI. On the persistent types of animal life
XII. Time and life
XIII. Darwin on the origin of species
XIV. The Darwinian hypothesis
XV. A lobster; or the study of zoology
Public Access Text
Collection Type
General Collection
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Last Update
19 Dec 2023
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