Object Type
An anthology of Gilbertese oral tradition : from the Grimble papers and other collections
Primary Maker
Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific
Physical Description
Level of Current Record
Bib record
Member Object
Subject Category
Construction of the Anthology.
Chapter I - The Early Recordings. 1. The Colonisation of Abemama. 2. Early voyages from Samoa to the Gilberts. 3. The Building of Tabontebike. 4. Naka leaves Samoa for the Gilberts. 5. A Gilbertese genealogy written down in 1886. 6. The names of the Gods of the Gilbert Islands. 7. Nareau's return voyage from Samoa to Tarawa.
Chapter II - The Creation of the World.
1. Banaban myth of the Pre-creation era. 2. Banaban version of the Creation. 3. Marakei version of the Creation. 4. A Maiana version of the Creation. 5. Abemaman version of the Creation. 6. Te Bo ma Te Maki. 7. Naruan version of the Creation. 8. Nakaa and the Forbidden Tree. 9. Nargeau's Magic spells during the creation. 10. Another set of Nareau's spells during the creation. 11. Inhabitants during Te Bo ma Te Maki. 12. The lands around Banaba at the time of the creation. 13. The cutting of the first tree of Samoa by Auriaria.
Chapter III - Anti and Antimaomata.
Introduction. 1. Auriaria and Nei Tituabine. 1a. Auriaria ao Nei Tituabine. 2. Nareau and his descendants. 3. The war of the north and south. 4. Bue and Rirongo. 5. The story of Nautonga. 6. Beruan version of the fire-myth. 7. The story of Terakuene. 8. The story of Nei Karua. 9. The canoe of Bakauanoku. 10. Korata and the Anti.
Chapter IV - In the Western Islands.
Introduction. 1. Nei Manganibuka and the constellation Inan te Karon. 2. Nei Manganibuka's voyage from Tebongiroro. 3. The First Tree (Te Bakatibu Tai) on Abatoa. 4. The canoe crest called Te Nimtawawa. 5. The visit of Obaia to Onouna.
Chapter V - Life in Samoa.
Introduction. 1. The voyage to Samoa Te Ingoa. 2. The planting of the Tree of Samoa. 3. The tree of Samoa. 4. The breed of Samoa. 5. The growing of Batuku the Skull. 6. The building of the canoe Te Kaburoro. 7. The first voyage of Te Kaburoro. 8. The war of Teuribaba against the people of Samoa. 9. The breaking of the Tree of Samoa. 10. The Two Trees on Samoa.
Chapter VI - Stars and Navigation.
Introduction. 1. Weather notes for deep-sea voyaging. 2. Danger at sea. 2a. Ika aika a kona ni Kamatea te Wa. 3. Star lore. 4. The story of Nei Auti.
Chapter VII - Migration to the Gilberts.
Introduction. 1. The family of Tetonganga. 2. The descendants of Auriaria on Beru. 3. The descendants of Te Bong and Te Ngaina. 4. The breed of the spirits of the North. 5. The breed of the spirits of the South. 6. The coming of Taburitongoun to Nikunau. 7. The second return of Nareau to Samoa. 8. The third return of Nareau to Samoa. 9. The canoe from Tarawa. 10. The voyage of Rairaueana to Tabiteuea. 11. Tematantaratara brings Te Ibi from Samoa. 12. Genealogy of Kinoki. 13. Te Bo ma Te Maki and Nareau. 14. The migration of the Tropic Bird.
Chapter VIII - The Settlement Period.
Introduction. 1. The story of Towatu of Matang. 2. Auriaria of Tarawa. 3. The family of Taburimai. 4. Baretoka and the Tree of Tarawa. 5. Nei Terere and the Tree of Tarawa. 6. The descendants of Nareau on Tarawa. 7.The story of Temamang. 8. The story of Obaia the Feathered. 9. The coming of Nei Nimanoa to Tarawa. 10. Tabiang account of the settlement of Banaba. 11. Tabwewa account of the coming of Beru settlers. 12. The ancestors of Kauongo and Kaburoronteun on Tarawa. 13. Auriaria of Samoa and Banaba. 14. The Tree of Tarawa. 15. The story of the Trees of Samoa and Tarawa. 16. The story of Naubwebwe and Nei Nimanoa. 17. The allocation of Boti in the Tabontebike Maneaba by Tanetoa. 18. The Koura folk sail to Beru. 19. The fall of the Koura folk. 20. The Ancestor Trees.
Chapter IX - Modern History.
Introduction. 1. The ancestry of Tabiria on the male side. 2. The ancestry of Tabiria on the female side. 3. The colonization of Nui. 4. Kamoki's voyage to Peru in 1863. 5. Riki and the ponds. 6. The origin of deep-sea travel.
Chapter X - The Gilbertese Kuna.
Introduction. 1. Introduction and Kunani Moiua. 1a. The song of Moiua. 2. Introduction and Kunan Naka. 2a. Song of Naka. 3. Introduction and Kunan Nareau. 3a. A song of Nareau. 4. Kunan Te Borau. 4a. The Master Mariner's Voyage.
Public Access Text
[Keywords: I-Kiribati, Kiribati, I-Tungaru]
Sixth book in a series which has grown up in response to a demand, originating from the foundation of the Republic of Kiribati in 1979, for literature on the historical heritage and way of life of the Kiribati people,' -- preface Some poems and stories in Gilbertese (Kiribati) language with an English translation and commentary. Bibliography: p. 285-289.
Subject Notes
The book jacket depicts the mana of trees that hold the spirits of the Ancestors and of the Gods. They may take the form of birds or spiders. The book cover lists the names of some of them, i.e. Tabuariki- God of Thunder
Collection Type
Reading Room
General Collection
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05 Dec 2024
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