Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
Austria inferior [lower Austria, Amstetten], prope [near] Seitenstetten
Field Collection Date
[Pre 1895]
Field Collection Notes
[Original det.:] Anemone nigricans Störk.
In graminosis apricis et aridis [in sunny and dry grasslands].
Flora Exsiccata Austro-Hungarica No.2551 (Fasc. 13-14 (cent. 24-28) 1895
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
48.036, 14.65419 (± 5 km)
14.65419, 14.65419 (± 5 km)
Last Update
03 Mar 2023
The development of the Auckland War Memorial Museum online collection is an ongoing process; updates, new images and records are added weekly. In some cases, records have yet to be confirmed by Museum staff, and there could be mistakes or omissions in the information provided.