Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Metrosideros halconensis (Merill.) J.W.Dawson
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
Philippines, Biliran Island, Mt. Sayaw, south-west summit ridge, 8.75 km due west of Caibiran
Field Collection Date
20 Jan 1999
Field Collection Notes
Very narrow, steep, rocky ridge with low, wind-swept
moss-forest (average canopy height 8 m). Underlying
lithology volcanic. Nine M. halconensis plants were
found, in three groups at c.40 m intervals along the
ridge crest. Tissue and herbarium specimens were
collected from only 2 plants in each of these
Four individuals, each about 4 m tall and 4 cm dbh.
Growing on a rock outcrop together with Gleichenia
and a tall (to 2 m) grass; the site was partly
over-topped by canopy trees. Plants straggly and
quite scrappy, and had serious insect damage to the
foliage. No old capsules and very few flowers or
Site 1, Plant A, specimen flowering
Voucher for DNA study
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
11.57139, 124.5 (± 500 m)
124.5, 124.5 (± 500 m)
Last Update
10 Aug 2018
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