Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Pinus gerardiana Wallich ex D.Don
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
New Zealand, South Island, Canterbury Plains Ecological Region, Low Plains Ecological District, Christchurch, Botanic Gardens
Field Collection Date
18 Oct 1987
Field Collection Notes
Cultivated in Pinetum
Tree 16-17 m high, forming a dense c.pyramidal crown
from the ground upwards. Bark, flaking in
irregular scales (coll.). Young shoots brown.
Needles very resinous in 3's, very rarely in 2's,
glaucous-banded on 1 side. Cone 1 only seen (the
first ever produced), 15 x 10 cm in open state.
c.Oblong-ovoid, with thick, woody, reflexed scales.
(coll.) Almost certainly the same tree as Chr
194728. One tree only there. DUPLICATE OF: CHR
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-43.53167, 172.61679
172.61679, 172.61679
Last Update
21 Nov 2016
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