Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Metrosideros halconensis (Merill.) J.W.Dawson
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
Philippines, Biliran Island, Mt. Sayaw, south-west summit ridge, 8.75 km due west of Caibiran
Field Collection Date
20 Jan 1999
Field Collection Notes
Very narrow, steep, rocky ridge with low, wind-swept moss-forest (average canopy height 8 m). Underlying lithology volcanic. Nine M. halconensis plants were found, in three groups at c.40 m intervals along the ridge crest. Tissue and herbarium specimens were collected from only 2 plants in each of these groups.
Four individuals, each about 4 m tall and 4 cm dbh. Growing on a rock outcrop together with Gleichenia and a tall (to 2 m) grass; the site was partly over-topped by canopy trees. Plants straggly and quite scrappy, and had serious insect damage to the foliage. No old capsules and very few flowers or buds Site 1, Plant A
Voucher for DNA study
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
11.57139, 124.5 (± 500 m)
124.5, 124.5 (± 500 m)
Last Update
10 Aug 2018
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