Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Austroderia splendens (Connor) N.P.Barker & H.P.Linder
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
New Zealand, North Island, Great Barrier Ecological District, Motu Kaikoura, by NW point
Field Collection Date
20 Dec 2011
Field Collection Notes
A single plant on coastal rocky slope, near mats of Coprosma repens & Disphyma australe. With Ficinia nodosa, Phormium tenax. Scarce on the island a few others seen on higher cliffs on NW coast of island
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-36.16917, 175.30278
175.30278, 175.30278
Last Update
16 May 2017
The development of the Auckland War Memorial Museum online collection is an ongoing process; updates, new images and records are added weekly. In some cases, records have yet to be confirmed by Museum staff, and there could be mistakes or omissions in the information provided.