Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Gymnogongrus torulosus (Hook.f. & Harv.) Schmitz
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
[New Zealand, South Island], Dunedin, Taieri Beach
Field Collection Date
20 Jul 1945
Field Collection Notes
[2 cards]
[Annotation on one card: "This specimen is probably from this sheet but not quite definite" - E M Miller, 1975]
Ex Herbarium V W Lindauer No.6318
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-46.08333, 170.2 (Inf.)
170.2, 170.2 (Inf.)
Last Update
22 May 2023 14:44
The development of the Auckland War Memorial Museum online collection is an ongoing process; updates, new images and records are added weekly. In some cases, records have yet to be confirmed by Museum staff, and there could be mistakes or omissions in the information provided.