Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Tradescantia umbraculifera Hand.-Mazz.
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
New Zealand, [South Island], Canterbury Land District, Christchurch, Manchester Str
Field Collection Date
08 Nov 2008
Field Collection Notes
Sheltered garden, amongst shrubs by house wall. Sprawling herb with fleshy ± decumbent stems forming a dense mass; plants totally green excepting flowers & older stems. Shoots glabrous. Leaves sessile with basal sheaths dark veined; lamina ± shining on both sides, to c.8 x 3.7 cm, elliptic-ovate, acute; margins ciliolate or puberulous (including sheath). Flower in small clusters of up to 9; pedicels of varying lengths to c.2 cm, usually not deflexing, pilose in distal half. Sepals 7-8 mm long, lanceolate or narrow ovate; keel pilose. Petals 11-12 x 5.7 mm, ovate, white, acute. Stamens to c.7 mm long, white; anthers yellow; basal hairs septate, nearly = stamens. Some flowers outermost stamens ± petaloid.
Duplicate ex CHR (610455), received Dec 2011
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-43.52658, 172.63961 (Inf.)
172.63961, 172.63961 (Inf.)
Last Update
27 Apr 2023
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