Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Narcissus tazetta tazetta L.
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
[Italy, Tuscany,] ad sept. Florentiae [to the north of Florence]
Field Collection Date
Mar 1884
Field Collection Notes
[Original det.:] Narcissus elatus Gussone/N. orientalis Bot. Mag.
In olivetis et circa villas [in olive groves and around villages]. Quasi sponto [semi wild]. Proxim que [?]oritar e [next to it is] Narc. constantinopolitano Kostal, flore pleno [in full bloom].
Ex Herbarium E Levier, Plantae Italicae, ex Agro Florentino
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
43.82986, 11.25475 (± 10 km)
11.25475, 11.25475 (± 10 km)
Last Update
09 Sep 2021
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