Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Austroderia splendens (Connor) N.P.Barker & H.P.Linder
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
New Zealand, North Island, Parengarenga Harbour, Kokota Spit, near the tip
Field Collection Date
22 Nov 2018
Field Collection Notes
Locally common scattered clumps on sanddunes, old fruiting culms still present, rather erct and twice as tall as the leaves. Bare moving sand covering most of the spit, with scattered clumps of spinifex, pingao, oioi, marram grass, Carex pumila, Ozothamnus, fleabane; Lachnagrostis and Coprosma acerosa were more local. A 2m clump of Yucca (small spiny leaves) seen in one place. No pampas (although it was present close by behind Karerewaka Beach) and no Calystegia soldanella seen.
Collected during a Wananga with Ngati Kuri
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-34.52803, 172.9705 (± 10 m)
172.9705, 172.9705 (± 10 m)
Last Update
29 Jul 2020
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