Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Populus deltoides Carolin Marshall
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
New Zealand, North Island, Gisborne Land District, Eastwoodhill Arboretum, R8, Basinhead walk, above path, adjacent to fence into Canaan
Field Collection Date
21 Jan 2005
Field Collection Notes
Magnificent, tall, spreading, many-branched tree. DBH 160cm Ht ca 25m plus. Branches spreading to ca 21m, lower ones drooping to ground. Old bark grey-brown, v deeply ridged. Hard. Young wood grey, smooth, glossy. Branchlets curvy and drooping. Lvs large, dark green semi-glossy upper, smooth paler under. Semi-stiff. Petiole flattened. Midvein raised on upper side of leaf. Leaf margins vary from crenate to serrate near leaf base, to straight near tip.
Canopy tree on SW side of many trees. Open on W&S sides at base of small ridge.
Ex Eastwoodhill Arboretum, "EWH" 1488, received Sept 2018
Specimen over two sheets A&B
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-38.55922, 177.71431 (± 100 m)
177.71431, 177.71431 (± 100 m)
Last Update
26 Aug 2021
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