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human history
  • Other Name

    Neck ornament (English)

  • Description

    Kahoa. Neck ornament. This kahoa is part of a dance attire set worn by males performing the tauoluga (type of dance). The skirt is worn wrapped around the waist. This kahoa is made from brightly dyed fau (hibiscus) fibres and feathers that have been wrapped and woven in different techniques. The kahoa is woven in a circular shape with rosettes and a wrapped spiral technique, coloured feathers are woven into the kahoa in sections as well as curled strips of fau.

    Hanging from the back are strips of fau which have been wrapped and folded to look like layers of rosettes, with feathers attached along its length.

  • Place
  • Accession Date
    10 Nov 1994
  • Other Id

    54326.2 (ethnology)

  • Department

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