Natural Science Specimen
Natural Science Specimen
Scientific Name
Drepanolejeunea aucklandica Steph.
Specimen Category
Storage Method
Field Collection Place
Locality Description
New Zealand, North Island, South Auckland Prov., Southern extent of the Herangi Range, plateau area S of Te Whakapatiki, W of Te Kuiti township
Field Collection Date
18 Mar 2003
Field Collection Notes
Epiphyte on Quintinia serrata twigs. with perianths. Exposed plateau and ridge, including a cusion bog (dominated by Oreobolus pectinatus and common associates of Cyathodes empetrifolia, Lepidothamnus laxifolium, and Baumea tenax) and surrounded by rocky outcrops, low shrubland (<2m.) in which Leptospermum scoparium (manuka), Quintinia serrata, and Dracophyllum traversii are prominent with Sphagnum as a ground-cover in wetter sites, and small trees (<6m.) including Weinmannia. Growing with Frullamia spp, Radula spp, Lepicolea, Metzgeria , mosses.
Field Collector
Field Collection latitude/longitude
-38.4845, 174.77431 (± 20 m)
174.77431, 174.77431 (± 20 m)
Last Update
16 Aug 2021
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