Object Type
McCahon-Jones, Finn: [Collection of ephemera]
Level of Current Record
Member Object
Subject Category
Subject Notes
Finn McCahon-Jones worked at the Auckland Museum for over 10 years. He took on positions in several departments, from Collection Technician, to Curator, Applied Arts, and then finished as Curator, Auckland Stories (2015 exhibition). Finn left the Auckland Museum in August 2015, to fill a new role as Director/Curator/Archivist at Te Toi Uku (Crown Lynn Museum), located in New Lynn, Auckland.
Finn also worked at the bFM radio station for 21 years, as host of the Kid's Show, which aired Sundays. After hosting the show from the age of 14, Finn's final show aired on Sunday 13th December, 2015.
Collection contains multiple items - rights applied at item level
Last Update
30 Nov 2023
The development of the Auckland War Memorial Museum online collection is an ongoing process; updates, new images and records are added weekly. In some cases, records have yet to be confirmed by Museum staff, and there could be mistakes or omissions in the information provided.