Voyage autour du monde, execute par ordre du roi, sur la corvette de Sa Majeste, la Coquille, pendant les annees 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825, sous le Ministere et conformement aux instructions de S.E.M. le marquis de Clermont-Tonnerre, ministre de la marine; et publie sous les auspices de son excellence mgr le cte de Chabrol, ministre de la marine et des colonies
Description: A complete set of a work whose publication was never completed. One of the the rarest and most beautiful of the Grands Voyages. The voyage, led by Duperrey, concentrated on the exploration of the Pacific. The Coquille 'called at Brazil, the Falkland Islands, Concepcion, Callao, and Payta. The Pacific islands visited were the Tuamotu Archipelago, Tahiti and the Society Islands, Tonga, Rotuma, the Gilbert and Caroline Islands, and the Bismarck Archipelago. Australia was visited twice, and explorations made of New Zealand and of the Maoris were of particular significance. Vast quantities of ethnographic and scientific data, were collected, Before returning to Marseilles, Java, Mauritius, and Ascension were visited' (Hill, p90). The scientific data included much on the botany, including plates of seaweed, perhaps the earliest of their kind, and zoology.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: A complete set of a work whose publication was never completed. One of the the rarest and most beautiful of the Grands Voyages. The voyage, led by Duperrey, concentrated on…