He Himene mo te karakia ki te Atua [= Hymns in the Maori language]
Description: A collection of 187 Anglican hymns in Maori. Arranged in subject categories with a contents list, preface about the tunes and indexed to first lines. The [European] tune for each hymn is shown at the start, the majority are from "Hymns, Ancient & Modern". The number next to the tune quotes the hymn number in the original publication. There are nine tunes that do not appear in [Hymns, Ancient & Modern]. Four tunes, No. 70 - He rongo pai te oranga [Tune: Salisbury, 500] -- no. 130 - Ka mahue Ihipa [Tune: Egypt, 324] -- No. 168 - Nei te wa e pouri ai [Tune: Rejoicing, 442] -- No. 174 - Hoia o te Hahi [Tune: St. Gertrude, 322] are from the Hymnal Companion. No. 132 - E Ihu, whakaaro mai koe [Tune: Doncaster] is from the Bristol Tune book 231. No. 166 - Koutou katoa ra, mea iti nei [Tune: Come to the Saviour] is in Sacred Songs and Solos. No. 137 - Tera te wahi pai [Tune: There is a City Bright] -- No. 173 - Tenei te Ariki [Tune: Deliverance] -- No. 176 - Panuitia ki nga tauiwi, nei te Kingi nui [Tune: Epenetus]; are not in any of these publications. Printed by Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, Suffolk.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: A collection of 187 Anglican hymns in Maori. Arranged in subject categories with a contents list, preface about the tunes and indexed to first lines. The [European] tune for…