Speed the plough : or, the colonial and New Zealand farmers' guide : containing instructions how to farm profitably, being a practical treatise on agriculture : shewing the best modes in the colony of breeding, rearing, & fattening live stock, growing all kinds of cereal and green crops : with remarks on the dairy, stockyard, hayfield, poultry yard, orchard, hop garden, fences, horse, cow, sheep, pigs, rabbits, bees, &c., &c. : to which is appended a gardeners' chronicle for each month in the year
Description: MORE depends on the choice of a farm, as regards your ultimate success as a farmer in these Colonies, than most persons are aware of: for if you should happen to be a man of moderate capital, and were to select a tenacious clay farm, badly situated for drainage, and of a rugged nature, which indeed is very commonly the case in many parts of the Colony, your chances of success would be very small, as such land is calculated to swallow up a small capital before a good return for your labour can be obtained
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: MORE depends on the choice of a farm, as regards your ultimate success as a farmer in these Colonies, than most persons are aware of: for if you should happen to be a man of…