Tihei Kahungunu
Description: The Tihei Kahungunu concept derived out of marae hikoi consultation process initiated in 2001. Iwi leaders visited the 90 marae in Kahungunu to introduce the 25 year vision. During these visits iwi leaders received requests for the compilation of iconic, classic Kahungunu waiata, haka, karakia, pepeha, history & ancestry. The Tihei Kahungunu & Passport; contains Kahungunu History, Whakapapa, Karakia, He Oriori, Moteatea, Haka & Himene and is accompanied by a music CD of Moteatea.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: The Tihei Kahungunu concept derived out of marae hikoi consultation process initiated in 2001. Iwi leaders visited the 90 marae in Kahungunu to introduce the 25 year vision.…