Indigenous histories
Description: "Indigenous Histories brings together a wide cross-section of perspectives on the Indigenous histories of the Americas, Oceania, and Scandinavia through the lens of art and visual culture. This catalog accompanies a group exhibition of the same name, organized by the Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP) in partnership with the Kode Bergen Art Museum, curated by Indigenous artists and researchers and those of Indigenous ancestry, who explore their territories' own histories and highlight Indigenous activisms around the globe. Eight curatorial essays explore the works on display within the exhibition in their variety of media, typologies, and origins, from the time that preceded colonization to the present. Rather than attempting to produce a comprehensive guide, this selection of regional histories aims to foster dialogues between disparate Indigenous points of view, introducing relevant conversations in the context of their complexity. This is an essential book for anyone interested in Indigenous arts, histories and cultures around the world today"--Provided by publisher.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: "Indigenous Histories brings together a wide cross-section of perspectives on the Indigenous histories of the Americas, Oceania, and Scandinavia through the lens of art and…