Viajes cientificos en todo el mundo : desde 1822 hasta 1842 ...
Description: "This is one of the rarest and least-known voyages to the Pacific. Michelena y Rojas, a native of Venezuela, crossed the Pacific from Mazaltan, Mexico, in the years 1840-41, exploring the Hawaiian Island chain, describing its political history (portraits of Kamehameha III and Governor John Adams are two of the lithographed plates), traditions, and customs. From there he sailed to Tahiti, Rotuma, Australia (a fine map of Sydney in 1840 enhances this section), Vanikoro, Guam in the Marianas, the Caroline Islands, Philippines, Macao, and Singapore. A large folding map of the Pacific Ocean traces his route" (Hill). The work is divided into 3 books describing Polynesia, Australia and the East Indies. The views include Hawaii, Honolulu, Tahiti, Rotuma, Sydney, and Australian aborigines."--Sotheby's website (accessed 15/7/2016)
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: "This is one of the rarest and least-known voyages to the Pacific. Michelena y Rojas, a native of Venezuela, crossed the Pacific from Mazaltan, Mexico, in the years 1840-41,…