Histoire des navigations aux terres australes : contenant ce que l'on scait des moeurs & des productions des contrees decouvertes jusqu'a ce jour; & ou il est traitΘ de l'utilite d'y faire de plus amples decouvertes, & des moyens d'y former un etablissement.
Description: This important work was compiled by Charles de Brosses, the noted historian and contributor to Diderot's Encyclopedie; John Callandar based much of his three-volume compendium of voyages in 1766 on de Brosses's summary of Pacific voyages to date. This thorough collection is one of the outstanding works on the early voyages of exploration to Australasia, 1502-1764, during which navigators touched on the supposed southern continent of Magellanica. In three parts (Magellanie, Australasie, and Polynesie), it covers the voyages of Vespucci, Magellan, Drake, Sarmiento, Hawkins, Quiros, Noort, Spilbergen, Nodal, Schouten, Dampier, Roggeveen, Anson and others. De Brosses's goal in publishing this history of voyages was to stimulate French discovery and colonization in the South Seas, and included the proposition that France should settle Australia as a penal colony.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: This important work was compiled by Charles de Brosses, the noted historian and contributor to Diderot's Encyclopedie; John Callandar based much of his three-volume compendium…