Struggles and escapes of Captain Wallis and his crew : and their various conflicts with the natives of Otaheite, during a voyage of discovery to the Northern Hemisphere, in the summer of 1766 ; including interesting particulars of the inhabitants and country
Description: Extracted from the collection, Mariner's marvelous Magazine or wonders of the ocean, containing narratives of the most noted shipwrecks and disasters at sea. The English naval officer and circumnavigator (1728-1795) Samuel Wallis 'made the important discovery of Tahiti in 1767 (it had been seen by de Quir≤s but forgotten: the Spanish acknowledged Wallis' achievement). Tahiti was the largest island seen in the South Seas since Tasman had come across New Zealand and the last Dutch discoverer, Jacob Roggeman, had found the Samoan group in 1722' (Snow & Waine, The people from the horizon, p.43). The discovery of Tahiti and the accounts of the island's people and customs aroused considerable interest. Wallis sailed home via Batavia and the Cape of Good Hope where he spent a month in Table Bay. Huntress 153C; Howgego W7; Mendelssohn II, p.580.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: Extracted from the collection, Mariner's marvelous Magazine or wonders of the ocean, containing narratives of the most noted shipwrecks and disasters at sea. The English naval…