Histoire generale des voyages, ou, Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre, qui ont ete publiees jusqu'a present dans les differentes langues de toutes les nations connues ... pour former un systeme complet d'histoire et de geographie moderne, qui representera l'etat actuel de toutes les nations: enrichie de cartes gΘographiques.
Description: Includes accounts of the principal early Australian voyages, such as Saavvedra, Gaetano, Torres, Mendan▐a, Queiro∞s, and Nodal. Also, an account of the discovery of Australia by the Dutch, early voyages to New Guinea and the Palau Islands, and Roggeveen's voyage to Terres Australes. African voyages include the early Portuguese and English voyages to West Africa and the Cape of Good Hope, with a general account of the Dutch at the Cape. Pacific voyages include those of Magellan, Scheuten and Le Maire, Drake, Sarmiento, Cavendish, Spilbergen, Narbrough, Rogers, Cowley, Frezier, and Anson. Particularly full accounts are given of the Dutch and the French voyages to the East Indies, voyages to China, and the British East India Company's voyages to India and Ceylon. Cf. Hill.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: Includes accounts of the principal early Australian voyages, such as Saavvedra, Gaetano, Torres, Mendan▐a, Queiro∞s, and Nodal. Also, an account of the discovery of Australia…