War correspondent : reporting under fire since 1850
Description: "This timely illustrated book presents a lively discussion concerning the role of the war correspondent, news gathering in a war zone, and the influence of technology on war reporting. It examines themes of propaganda, censorship and responsibility, and the impact of those iconic front line despatches or photographs over the last century that have crystallised the public perception of the war zone. The book unfolds chronologically and each chapter focuses on the medium that defined the conflict - from the age of print (the First World War) to the rise of radio (Spanish Civil War), the multimedia war (the Second World War), the war in colour (Vietnam and the Falklands) and the modern digital age (the second Gulf war and the war in Afghanistan). Each section includes several feature spreads in which an individual object from the exhibition - a photograph or artefact - is fully profiled. The book concludes with a discussion between a group of contemporary reporters, TV directors, photographers and artists about their personal experiences, the demands of the job and the effects of changing media technology on the very idea of the war correspondent."--Publisher's information.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: "This timely illustrated book presents a lively discussion concerning the role of the war correspondent, news gathering in a war zone, and the influence of technology on war…