Great war to great escape : the two wars of flight lieutenant Bernard 'Pop' Green MC
Description: "Bernard Green managed to survive both the First and Second World War ? just. In the first global conflict of the Twentieth Century he endured mud, destruction and death in the trenches of the Western Front; suffering serious injury yet serving with distinction, earning the Military Cross. Twenty-one years later, with another European war imminent, Bernard signed up to fight Germany once more, this time from the air. However in July 1940 his Hampden bomber was blasted from the sky. He survived and was captured, though two of his crew were not so fortunate and lost their lives. For the remainder of the war Bernard languished behind barbed wire, although he did manage to breakout from Stalag Luft III as part of the famous 'Great Escape' in March 1944, the oldest man to do so. Bernard was recaptured and, again, was extremely lucky to survive. Fifty of his co-escapers were not so lucky, murdered on the direct orders of Adolf Hitler.
Collection: DOCUMENTARY HERITAGEDescription: "Bernard Green managed to survive both the First and Second World War ? just. In the first global conflict of the Twentieth Century he endured mud, destruction and death in…