Garden site excavation
In February the Fieldschool students spent a week excavating a garden site (known as T10/359) in the central part of the island, and a week excavating a site (T10/944) exposed by coastal erosion.
Investigating a hangi site
Work continued on the coastal site in June, exposing two large ovens (hangi) where food was cooked, and people nearby and flaked obsidian and basalt.
Stingray Point Pa and Tamewhera
The November excavation focused on two sites to be excavated by the Fieldschool to obtain information on stratigraphy.
One site was on Stingray Ridge (T10/1114), uphill from Matakawau (Stingray Point Pa), the other in the garden area at Tamewhera in the northwest part of the island.
Learn about the 2014 excavation season
Follow the reports for February's fieldwork where the research team focused on surveying the large-scale garden features and related living areas.