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Displaying 1 - 20 of 29 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
C17113AitkenheadAndrewArmySouth African War, 1899-190236103 
C17513DowsonEgbert JohnArmySouth African War, 1899-19023225 
C36329GallaherDavidArmySouth African War, 1899-1902, World War I, 1914-19183229, 32513 
C17313GilliesHugh CameronArmySouth African War, 1899-19023732 
C17315GoodeFrederickArmySouth African War, 1899-19023738 
C17331HurreyIrving StanleyArmySouth African War, 1899-19023498 
C33810JowseyHughArmySouth African War, 1899-1902653 
C33766MadillJamesArmySouth African War, 1899-19023263 
C33955MatthewsWilliamArmySouth African War, 1899-19023631 
C17334McKayAlexander HenryArmySouth African War, 1899-19023842 
C33772McMillanHarry GordonArmySouth African War, 1899-1902, World War I, 1914-19183267, N/N 
C17415MooreWilliamArmySouth African War, 1899-19023635 
C17414MooreWilliam JohnArmySouth African War, 1899-19023844 
C125706NealeFrank FrederickArmySouth African War, 1899-1902438 
C35033OsborneGeorge PhilipArmyWorld War I, 1914-1918, South African War, 1899-1902SA3272, 3272, 12/1484 
C33784PageJohn RobertArmySouth African War, 1899-19023276 
C17424PahlFrancis EdwardArmySouth African War, 1899-19023536 
C17428PartridgeWilliam Charles EdwardArmySouth African War, 1899-19023646 
C127554PorterThomas William RoseArmySouth African War, 1899-19024224 
C17436RaynesWilliam FrederickArmySouth African War, 1899-19023277 

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