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Displaying 1 - 20 of 422 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
C122240AbbottHarold LouisArmySouth African War, 1899-19022342, 5297 
C122247AdamWilliam ChallonerArmySouth African War, 1899-19021601 
C122254AdamsonGeorge Townsend South African War, 1899-19022446, 7989 
C122259AitkenGeorgeArmySouth African War, 1899-19021602 
C122261AitkenRobertArmySouth African War, 1899-19021603 
C122282AllanDanielArmySouth African War, 1899-19022339 
C122290AllenArthur ArnoldArmySouth African War, 1899-19022340, 5438 
C122299AndersonAlexanderArmySouth African War, 1899-19022212 
C122313AndersonJames HenryArmySouth African War, 1899-19021604, 9356 
C122320AndersonWilliamArmySouth African War, 1899-19022413 
C122322AndresenMartin ChristianArmySouth African War, 1899-19022573 
C122324AndrewJohnArmySouth African War, 1899-19021605, 9119 
C122326AndrewsHoratio GeorgeArmySouth African War, 1899-19022571 
C122330AndrewsThomasArmySouth African War, 1899-19022572 
C122333AnnettCharles McLureArmySouth African War, 1899-19021606 
C122343ArmerGeorge William DayArmySouth African War, 1899-19022343 
C122394BaileyGeoffreyArmySouth African War, 1899-19025942 
C122401BairstowBenjaminArmySouth African War, 1899-19022218 
C122407BakerFrank GeorgeArmySouth African War, 1899-19022220 
C122447BarnottTom MeredithArmySouth African War, 1899-19022219 

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