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Displaying 41 - 60 of 97 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
147002JohnsonWilliam GeorgeArmyWorld War II, 1939-194521581 
147310JohnstonRoyArmyWorld War II, 1939-194522680 
152067KellyJames EdgarArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453319 
99067KelsallRichard NormanArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453126 
144255KennedySamuel ArchibaldArmyWorld War II, 1939-19451315 
88375KennedyWilliam JohnArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453044 
99071KennyDaniel JohnArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453183 
C27974KerrNorris CochraneArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453046 
99081KingGussieArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453278 
99084KinnairdAndrewArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453049 
99090KirraneJohn JamesArmyWorld War II, 1939-19452967 
99095KnightDalgetyArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453182 
99094KnightDesleyArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453048 
C28307LairdClyde GilrayArmyWorld War II, 1939-19453009 
99107LambertVal. ForderArmyWorld War II, 1939-19452718 
99109LambieRaymond FrancisArmyWorld War II, 1939-19452646 
149314LambieRobert WilliamArmyWorld War II, 1939-19452673 
146961LeeWilliam Maitland JohnArmyWorld War II, 1939-194521446 
147132LynchThomasArmyWorld War II, 1939-194522037 
147274MackieRobert MorrisonArmyWorld War II, 1939-194522524 

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