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Displaying 21 - 40 of 81 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
C123804ForsytheHenry CouparArmySouth African War, 1899-1902135, 6012 
C34758FosterTrevor HughArmySouth African War, 1899-1902109 
C123834FranklinWilliamArmySouth African War, 1899-1902200 
C123839FraserDanielArmySouth African War, 1899-1902134 
C123918GestroJoseph LouisArmySouth African War, 1899-1902137 
C123966GlasgowGrantArmySouth African War, 1899-1902201 
C34750GwatkinErnestArmySouth African War, 1899-1902103 
C124151HahnAlbert JamesArmySouth African War, 1899-1902140 
C124180HamiltonHenry JohnArmySouth African War, 1899-1902192 
C124210HardingFrancisArmySouth African War, 1899-1902198 
C124267HaselarHenryArmySouth African War, 1899-1902147 
C124273HastieAlexander JamesArmySouth African War, 1899-1902144 
C124279HawkinsEdward ArthurArmySouth African War, 1899-1902138 
C34753HazlettEdgarArmySouth African War, 1899-1902105 
C124305HeanJohn DavisArmySouth African War, 1899-1902139 
C124319HeenanGeorge Lewis South African War, 1899-1902145, 135 
C124412HodgenEdwardArmySouth African War, 1899-1902142 
C124449HolroydThornton Charles LittlewoodArmySouth African War, 1899-1902141 
C124519HuntPhilip NormanArmySouth African War, 1899-1902146 
C124528HurfordJohn HenryArmySouth African War, 1899-1902143 

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