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Displaying 101 - 120 of 212 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
139073KeenColin DouglasArmyWorld War II, 1939-194573987 
132548KirraneDesmond JosephArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945416344 
160275LamontJohn StuartArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945482766 
C130303LangmanWilliam JohnArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945272205 
139351LaurieDouglasArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945, Jayforce, 1945-1948204968 
139379Le PineMervyn FrederickArmyWorld War II, 1939-194561714 
132686LeeBernard CyrilArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945260600 
132744LippingwellWalter JohnArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945548449 
173746LoweClifford JamesArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945617446 
178865LynchCletus JamesArmyWorld War II, 1939-194549155 
132857LyttleAlfred Edward WalterArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945420609 
132864MacAskillDonaldArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945277675 
149394MacDonaldJames AndrewArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945269406 
139689MaherRayburn StewartArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945296917 
139710ManderVernon TrevorArmyWorld War II, 1939-194549341 
133169MansillAllen FrederickArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945813244 
139774MasseyWilliam BancroftArmyWorld War II, 1939-194566199 
133239MauerAdolf MaxArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945624952 
139837McCabeFrank Aloysius ThomasArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945402968 
132876McCamishMaxwell JamesArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945408740 

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