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Displaying 21 - 40 of 48 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
146771IrvingJohn ReginaldArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520708 
146660JohnstonRonald LeslieArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520316 
115875KellyLionel EugeneArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520329 
115879KendallRaymond JohnArmyWorld War II, 1939-194521081 
115904KinderRevell StanleyArmyWorld War II, 1939-194521164 
C28223KirkleyWilfred JamesArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520607 
139316LangevadWilliamArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945, Jayforce, 1945-194820028 
115959LentferNeville GideonArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520128 
178354MahoneyAubrey CecilArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520824 
146900MansonHenry GordonArmyWorld War II, 1939-194521177 
116019McAuliffeDenisArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520672 
146680McKayGeorge AmbroseArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520362 
146807MorganWilliam JohnArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520814 
C121663NolanHenry Terence WickhamArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520009, 22899 
146617O'BrienHugh JosephArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520114 
116362PatrickClifford DouglasArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520826 
116388PeterkenFrederick NoelArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520684 
116436PoultonPercyArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520375 
116437PowRaymond HectorArmyWorld War II, 1939-194522808 
146645RobbieWilliam Arthur JacksonArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520273 

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