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Displaying 161 - 180 of 200 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
87165SmithRobert JamesArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960, Vietnam War, 1961-1975342697, 342697 
87211SteeleArthur EdwinArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960, Vietnam War, 1961-1975528134, 528134 
196736StevensonJohn GregoryArmyMalaya, 1960-1964465314 
196739StewartDavid LouisArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960462250 
196744StopforthM. B.ArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-196037854 
196755TaipariFrancisArmyMalaya, 1960-196438293 
196758TamihanaWilliamArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-196023330, 203330 
87321TataurangiEdwardArmyVietnam War, 1961-1975, Malayan Emergency, 1948-1960, Indonesian Confrontation 1962-1966, Borneo Confrontation, 1963-1966, Malaya, 1960-1964622898, 622898 
C133114TauaDarcy KokihiArmyMalaya, 1960-1964, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Regular Military Service334788, 334788, A334788 
196770TauroaRon RangiiriwhareArmyMalaya, 1960-1964, Malayan Emergency, 1948-1960458787 
87356TaylorLawrence MelvilleArmyVietnam War, 1961-1975, Malayan Emergency, 1948-1960, Malaya, 1960-196432135, E32135, 32135 
196778Te KaiG. M.ArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960596398 
196780Te ManuJohnArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960457665, 459665 
196781Te MoniD. B.ArmyMalaya, 1960-1964  
87393ThomKevin NeilArmyMalaya, 1960-1964, Borneo Confrontation, 1963-1966, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Indonesian Confrontation 1962-1966828130 
87411ThompsonBarry ThomasArmyMalaya, 1960-1964, Vietnam War, 1961-1975784411, 784411 
186966ThompsonToto WilliamArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960, Indonesian Confrontation 1962-1966, Borneo Confrontation, 1963-1966303555, 303555 
196801ThomsonMaxwell EvanArmyMalaya, 1960-1964  
196806TimuHerbertArmyMalaya, 1960-196439664 
196816TopiaChristopher Joseph S.ArmyMalaya, 1960-1964647918 

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