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Displaying 81 - 100 of 908 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
185953BlankleyRobert GeorgeArmyKorean War, 1950-1953, Regular Military Service, Korean War, 1950-1953, Malaya, 1960-196433212, 33212 
84801BlissRaymond JohnArmyVietnam War, 1961-1975214771 
183785BloomfieldWilliam AndrewAir ForceWorld War II, 1939-1945, Korean War, 1950-1953, Territorial Military Service441408, 203793, NZ429766, 1/19/409 
C128903BluettMaxArmyJayforce, 1945-1948, Korean War, 1950-1953811937, 203960 
84805BoldJeffrey IanArmyVietnam War, 1961-197542383 
84810BondDennis Thomas GordonArmyVietnam War, 1961-197541971 
84813BoneBrian VincentArmyVietnam War, 1961-197542145 
84816BorneWilliam PatrickArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960, Borneo Confrontation, 1963-1966, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Indonesian Confrontation 1962-1966889245, 889245 
84818BoticaPeter MilanArmyVietnam War, 1961-197541836 
84822BourneJohn AlanArmyVietnam War, 1961-197542977 
84823BoutcherKelly AdairArmyVietnam War, 1961-197542119 
84825BowdenWilliam GordonArmyVietnam War, 1961-197543843 
177853BowiePatrick JosephArmyJayforce, 1945-1948, Korean War, 1950-1953638419, 203594 
84828BowlerDavid KeithArmyVietnam War, 1961-197542675 
84830BoxDenis GrantArmyVietnam War, 1961-197540568 
C143418BoydAinslie AltonaArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Malaya, 1960-1964, World War II, 1939-1945, Korean War, 1950-19537544, 7544, NZ7544, 7544 
84833BoyesWilliam AlbertArmyVietnam War, 1961-197540360 
84834BoylanPeter JamesArmyVietnam War, 1961-197544808 
84836BoyleKevin DanielArmyVietnam War, 1961-1975934834 
84839BradfieldMichael ErnestArmyVietnam War, 1961-197542574 

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