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Displaying 41 - 60 of 83 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
C36834KingPatrickArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C36770LawAndrewArmyNew Zealand Wars2164 
C36656LewisA. H.ArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C36787LockerbyThomasArmyNew Zealand Wars3599 
C36775ManganJohnArmyNew Zealand Wars3569 
C36835ManleyPeterArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C132966MartinEdwardArmyRegular Military Service  
C36771McAdamJohnArmyNew Zealand Wars183 
C36759McBurneySamuelArmyNew Zealand Wars3010 
C36774McCleanAlexanderArmyNew Zealand Wars3742 
C36827McClelandAlexanderArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C36769McConnellThomasArmyNew Zealand Wars3034 
C36819McCoslandJamesArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C141393McDonaldWilliamArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C36622McKennaEdwardArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C141390McMullenJohnArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C36818Mooney ArmyNew Zealand Wars  
C36773MorrisJamesArmyNew Zealand Wars3019 
C36754MorrisRobertArmyNew Zealand Wars144 
C36776MullinsAnthonyArmyNew Zealand Wars3008 

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    e.g. Symonds Street Cemetery, Air Force, Musician

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