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Displaying 1 - 20 of 62 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
207693AbbottThomas WillieNavyKorean War, 1950-195313965 
207706ArangaManuNavyKorean War, 1950-195311580 
207720BanksLeslie WilliamNavyKorean War, 1950-195312433, PMX53444 
207755BockettMiles BrodneyNavyKorean War, 1950-195312984 
207769BrothersonKenneth FrancisNavyKorean War, 1950-195313125 
207770BrownCharlesNavyWorld War II, 1939-1945, Korean War, 1950-195313904, 7168 
201985BrydonStuart RaymondNavyRegular Military Service, Korean War, 1950-195313619, 13619 
207787CampbellIan StanleyNavyKorean War, 1950-195314053 
207790CantlonPeter FrederickNavyKorean War, 1950-195311086 
207791CantwellMartinNavyKorean War, 1950-195314361, KX135345 
84992CarrLawrence GeorgeNavyWorld War II, 1939-1945, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Korean War, 1950-1953, Borneo Confrontation, 1963-1966, Indonesian Confrontation 1962-1966NZD3555, 3555, 3555, 3555 
201998ChapmanGebor MaxwellNavyRegular Military Service, Korean War, 1950-195312550, 12550 
207813CoxGerard MauriceNavyKorean War, 1950-195313366 
207819CrightonAlexander CarnegyNavyKorean War, 1950-1953, Borneo Confrontation, 1963-1966, Indonesian Confrontation 1962-196611398, 11398 
207840DavisGeoffery HarryNavyKorean War, 1950-1953, Borneo Confrontation, 1963-1966, Indonesian Confrontation 1962-196613096, P/MX825276 
207860DurhamRodney BryonNavyWorld War II, 1939-1945, Korean War, 1950-19531530, NZD1530 
207862DuttonEric VictorNavyKorean War, 1950-195313842 
207864EdwardsAndersonNavyKorean War, 1950-1953708048 
207878ForresterWilliam GeorgeNavyKorean War, 1950-195311595 
207887FrenchRobert VictorNavyKorean War, 1950-195312836, C/JX700016 

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