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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
196967AndzuePeter RobertArmyMalayan Emergency, 1948-1960551160 
C120984BakerPeter De BreeArmyWorld War II, 1939-194520606 
205955BlairAlexander DavidNavyWorld War II, 1939-1945NZ5250, 5250 
C31327BrownleeThomas HoneArmyWorld War II, 1939-194521416 
C36494ClarkLeslie MaxwellArmyWorld War II, 1939-19452427 
112859DonaldOwen RobinsonArmyJayforce, 1945-1948816801 
206483HarrisJames DawsonNavyWorld War II, 1939-19453201, NZD3201 
C87295HealyThomas JohnArmyWorld War I, 1914-191842506 
206541HillBarry Walter GordonNavyWorld War II, 1939-1945NZ9705, 9705 
C117136KeweneCharlesArmyWorld War II, 1939-194564295 
C37019MohrHenry WilliamArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945548487 
207006OggStanley EdwinNavyWorld War II, 1939-1945O/7279 
204918RenshawAnthonyNavyWorld War II, 1939-19457347, NZ7347 
C73587TuckerPercival VercoeArmyWorld War I, 1914-191818723 
207500WestGordon HackworthNavyWorld War II, 1939-1945NZ9323, 9323 
207549WilsonHugh LucasNavyWorld War II, 1939-1945NZ3362, 3362, NZD3362, NZD3362 

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