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Displaying 1 - 20 of 136 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
C69571AbbottFrederick GeorgeArmyWorld War I, 1914-191823941 
C66000AdamsHughArmyWorld War I, 1914-1918, World War II, 1939-194526/1560, 15208 
C37144AdamsWilliam CampbellArmyWorld War I, 1914-19189/1147 
C122271AlexanderJohnArmySouth African War, 1899-19023580 
C180AllenHarold GordonArmyWorld War I, 1914-191812/686 
179528AndrewsHarold GeorgeArmyWorld War I, 1914-191885934 
C79762AndrewsPhillipArmyWorld War I, 1914-191820798 
C340AndrewsWilliam WilsonArmyWorld War I, 1914-191819460 
C67538AshbyFrederick EdwinArmyWorld War I, 1914-191811768 
C480AstleyEric HenryArmyWorld War I, 1914-19184/4A 
182310AtwillMarkArmyWorld War I, 1914-191816601 
C535BabeHarold WakefieldArmyWorld War I, 1914-191825175 
C31952BaddileyAugustus GeorgeArmySouth African War, 1899-1902, Regular Military Service, World War I, 1914-19182326, 7139, 12/17 
C610BakerCecil FrederickArmyWorld War I, 1914-191810/288 
C37988BarnettFrederick JamesArmyWorld War I, 1914-191812/3248, 1/563 
180562BennionNicholasArmyWorld War I, 1914-191884804 
180564BerwickCyrilArmyWorld War I, 1914-191884806 
C38472BevegeErnest GeorgeArmyWorld War I, 1914-191810/270 
79850BissonJames ChalmersArmyWorld War I, 1914-19182788 
180566BlakelockJohn Robert ThursfieldArmyWorld War I, 1914-191884807 

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