Air Vice-Marshal H. B. Russell, CB, DFC, AFC; RAF; born Hastings, 6 May 1895; commissioned Royal Field Artillery, 1914; seconded RFC 1915 and RAF 1918; permanent commission RAF 1919; SASO, No. 21 Training Group, 1939–40; SASO, No. 2 RAF Component, France, 1940; served with Fighter Command, 1940–41; AOC No. 215 Group, Middle East, 1942–43; AOC No. 70 Group, United Kingdom, 1943–45; Air Officer i/c Administration HQ FTC, 1946–49.
"Air Vice-Marshal Russell has been Head of the Disarmament Staff, British Air Forces of Occupation, Germany, since September, 1945, and was formerly A.O.C. No. 70 Group from August, 1943. Previously he was A.O.C., No. 215 Group, taking up this appointment after seven months as Air Officer in charge of Administration, Western Desert. At the outbreak of war he was Senior Air Staff Officer, No. 21 Group, and after holding various other staff appointments he became S.A.S.O. at Advanced Headquarters, No. 204 Group, Middle East, in August, 1941. Air Vice-Marshal Russell was born in 1895 at Hastings, New Zealand, and was educated at Wanganui College, New Zealand, and the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich." Flight magazine (NOVEMBER 28TH, 194O) AWMM