75 Squadron Stirling III EE893
Operation : Mannheim, Germany
Date : 5-6 September 1943
Unit : 75 Squadron
Aircraft type : Stirling III
Serial # : EE893
Base : RAF Mepal, Cambridgeshire, England
Crash location : Schwanheim, Germany
Crew (included 3 New Zealanders - all from Nelson)
1. Flying Officer 'Tom' (Ernest) S. Wilkinson NZ417138 RNZAF - from Nelson, NZ - aged 25 years - killed.
2. Flt Engineer/Sergeant Timothy Whatley RAFVR 1314153 - aged 22 years - killed
3. Navigator/Flt Sgt Gordon Noel Simes NZ/415376 RNZAF - from Nelson, NZ - Survived - taken as POW of the Germans. Returned to New Zealand after the war.
4. Air Bombadier/Flt Sgt Neil G.R. Treacher RNZAF - from Nelson, NZ - Survived - taken as POW of the Germans. Returned to New Zealand after the war.
5. Wireless Operator/Air Gunner Sergeant Jeffery James Waterman RAFVR 1312274 - aged 21 years - killed
6. Air Gunner/Sgt E.S Robson RAFVR - Survived - taken POW of the Germans. Believed died as a POW.
7. Air Gunner/Flt Sgt George Stanley Wilkinson RAF 642538 - aged 27 years - killed.
On a bombing mission to Mannheim, Germany - on 5-6 September 1943 - 75 Squadron Stirling III EE893 - with 7 air crew on board (including 3 New Zealanders - all from Nelson) were on the home-run of the mission when their bomber was hit, and brought down, by German anti aircraft flak - fired by German Officer Major Heinrich Wohlers - over the small German town of Schwanheim (correction to image gallery notes which say the bomber was brought down by a German fighter).
Schwanheim was a quiet little German town nestled near hills and forests.
The German villagers watched as the mortally stricken bomber flew silently at low level above them - with both Port (left) engines blown off - and a German fighter close on its tail.
Aboard the stricken bomber Flight Sergeant Treacher (NZ) fought heroically - with an axe - to save the life of one of the air gunners trapped inside the gunner's turret - which had been damaged by the flak fire. Sadly he was unable to free his crew mate.
The Pilot of the stricken Stirling - New Zealander F/O 'Tom' (Ernest) Wilkinson - ordered the crew to bale out by parachutes.
Treacher baled out - landing on a building in the town - and was soon surrounded by an angry mob of villagers. He was rescued by a Luftwaffe fighter pilot (Alfons Rohner) who carried him to a first aid station. He was then taken as a prisoner of war. He returned to New Zealand after the war.
Flight Sergeant Simes (NZ) also baled out - but was found still attached to the aircraft after it had crashed. He was taken as a prisoner of war. He returned to New Zealand after the war.
The Pilot - F/O 'Tom' (Ernest) Wilkinson - still at the aircraft controls in the cockpit - steered the stricken bomber away from the village below and crashed into a field nearby. He did not survive the crash landing and 3 other crew (Whatley, Waterman and George Wilkinson (no relation to pilot) were all killed. It is believed Whatley parachuted free from the aircraft - but may have been too low. His body was found 6 months later in a forest.
Public - Jenifer - Researcher - 25 January 2022 - Reference : aircrewremembered.com (England)