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Malcolm James Buchanan

Portrait - This image may be subject to copyright

Portrait - This image may be subject to copyright


  • Title
  • Forenames
    Malcolm James AWMM
  • Surname
    Buchanan AWMM
  • Ingoa
  • Also known as
  • Service number
    WWII 60066 AWMM
  • Gender
    Male AWMM
  • Iwi / Hapū / Waka / Rohe
  • Religion

Civilian life

About birth

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  • Birth
    5 March 1913 AWMM AWMM
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Birth notes
  • Address before enlistment
    Drill Hall, Blake Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand AWMM
  • Post war occupation
  • Next of kin on embarkation
    Mrs Margaret Buchanan (wife), 14 William Street, Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand AWMM
  • Relationship status
    Married AWMM


Wars and conflicts

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Military decorations

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  • Medals and Awards
    • Military Medal (MM) AWMM
      30 December 1941 AWMM
      'When C Troop of 27 Battery moved back into position at AG MARINAS, Crete, on 23 May 1941 Bombardier Buchanan was one of an ammunition party which had arrived during the previous night as reinforcements. He worked with the guns during the morning and afternoon. In the mid-afternoon the position was shelled by a heavy mortar from the direction of the left flank. One shell landed between two guns causing two casualties and setting alight to a pile of 75mm French ammunition. Bombardier Buchanan went forward alone on his own initiative and after ascertaining there was no immediate risk of explosion went in and extinguished the fire with shovelfuls of earth. His prompt action was most valuable in that the position was thus concealed from observation from the numerous aircraft in the vicinity, Moreover the dump was sufficiently large for an explosion to have caused considerable damaged to guns and personnel nearby.'. (Source: The National Archives. Recommendation for Award for Buchanan, Malcolm James. (Ref. WO 373/27/482). Military Medal. AWMM
    • 1939-1945 Star AWMM
    • Africa Star AWMM
    • War Medal 1939-1945 AWMM
    • New Zealand War Service Medal AWMM

Training and Enlistment

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  • Military training
  • Branch Trade Proficiency
  • Enlistment
    Soldier/Military AWMM
  • Occupation before enlistment
  • Age on enlistment

Prisoner of war

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  • Capture details
  • Days interned
  • Liberation date
  • Liberation Repatriation
  • POW liberation details
  • POW serial number

Medical history

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  • Medical notes
    • Hospital Diseases , Wounds, WWII AWMM
      Wounded on 30 November 1941, evacuated AWMM
    • Killed in Action, Cause of Death AWMM

Biographical information

Biographical information

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  • Malcolm Buchanan was the son of John and Bertha Buchanan of 4 Orakau Avenue, Epsom, Auckland. Husband of Margaret Buchanan of Mt Roskill, Auckland.

    He was educated at King's College between 1926 and 1930 and was employed in his father's bookselling and stationery business after school. He was in Town House and was keen on sports. He joined the New Zealand Permanent Forces and served with them for seven years prior to the commencement of World War 2.Sergeant Buchanan was seconded to 2NZEF on 3 October 1940. He embarked with the 4th Reinforcements on 8 November 1940.

    The date and place of birth quoted in the Official History of 2 Divisional Artillery do not agree with those published in the biographical note attached to the Military Medal citation in the Honours and Awards of the 2nd NZEF (1966). In that publication he is said to have been born in Sydney on 7 March 1913. He was one of those evacuated from Tobruk in what turned into a disaster. Hospitals in the Tobruk area were overcrowded as a consequence of the unexpectedly long and bitter fighting and it became a matter of urgency to move the wounded to less congested hospitals for treatment. During the first few days of December this became a priority and as there was no indication of when the land route eastwards would be opened the few hospital ships available were packed to capacity. The S.S. Chakdina sailed on its return voyage to Alexandria on the afternoon of 5 December 1941 with 600 men, 120 of them New Zealanders. Shortly after 9 pm an aerial torpedo struck and exploded in an after hold and in three and a half minutes the ship sank in a strong swell. Eighty New Zealanders were drowned, most of them survivors of the fighting at Sidi Rezegh and Belhamed.

    Sergeant M. J. Buchanan, MM; born Auckland, 5 Mar 1913; Regular soldier; wounded 30 Nov 1941; killed in action (sinking of Chakdina) 5 Dec 1941. (Source: Davin, D.M. Crete. p.260.)

    'Meanwhile our own artillery had begun to shell the German concentrations at the bridge. Already during the early morning the retiring gunners of 27 Battery had been delighted to hear two six-inch naval guns at Suda Bay shelling Stalos as a likely enemy headquarters. As soon as they themselves were in position they set about getting their two surviving guns into action, their difficulty being that they had no way of calculating where their shells were likely to land. But early in the afternoon an Australian troop went into position nearby and, correcting the elevation of his own guns by means of the Australian OP, Lieutenant Boyce was able to come into action. Soon after, however, an enemy mortar scored a direct hit on one gun and set fire to the ammunition. In spite of the danger Corporal Buchanan, a newcomer from 4 Field Regiment, shovelled earth over the flames and put out the fire. But from then on the Australian OP was too busy serving its own guns and the second gun had to remain silent. Counter-battery fire was not the only danger to the artillery. By this time enemy parties were filtering in from the south and at one time during the morning a sudden enemy sally took the two Bofors in Strutt's little group. But they were successfully retaken.Sergeant M. J. Buchanan, MM; born Auckland, 5 Mar 1913; Regular soldier; wounded 30 Nov 1941; lost at sea (SS Chakdina) 5 Dec 1941.; 2nd Divisional Artillery - After a short time a mortar of fairly heavy calibre scored a direct hit on one of the two guns. Boyce was away at the Australian gun position and he hurried back to find Sergeant Stevenson wounded and a gunner gravely hurt. Nearby ammunition had been set on fire and there was danger of further explosions, so Boyce ordered the men away from the guns. He then noticed a newcomer to the gun team, Bombardier Buchanan (who had come forward with the 4th Field reinforcements from Red Hill), go up to the gun, look for a moment to see if there was immediate danger of explosion, and then calmly shovel earth on to the flames until he put the fire out. It was a brave action and Boyce mentioned it later to Colonel Strutt, who in due course recommended Buchanan for an MM.' (Source: Davin, D.M. Crete. p. 260.; Murphy, W.E. 2nd NZ Divisional Artillery. p. 141.) AWMM
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About death

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  • Death
    5 December 1941 AWMM
    Age 28 AWMM
  • Date of death
  • Age at death
  • Place of death
  • Cause of death
  • Death notes
  • Cemetery
  • Cemetery name
  • Grave reference
  • Obituary
  • Memorial name
  • Memorial reference



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  • Memorial name
    • Alamein Memorial, El Alamein War Cemetery, Egypt AWMM
    • Auckland War Memorial Museum, World War 2 Hall of Memories AWMM
    • Auckland Domain, an Olive Tree (Olea europaea) planted close to the Auckland War Memorial Museum in the grounds of the Auckland Domain commemorates those who fought on Crete in 1941. AWMM

Roll of Honour

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  • External links
    • 'The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of distinguished services in the Middle East (including Egypt, East Africa, The Western Desert, The Sudan, Greece, Crete, Syria and Tobruk) during the period February 1941 to July 1941.' (London Gazette, 30 December 1941, p.7338.). Military Medal.
      Further Reference
    • 'When C Troop of 27 Battery moved back into position at AG MARINAS, Crete, on 23 May 1941 Bombardier Buchanan was one of an ammunition party which had arrived during the previous night as reinforcements. He worked with the guns during the morning and afternoon. In the mid-afternoon the position was shelled by a heavy mortar from the direction of the left flank. One shell landed between two guns causing two casualties and setting alight to a pile of 75mm French ammunition. Bombardier Buchanan went forward alone on his own initiative and after ascertaining there was no immediate risk of explosion went in and extinguished the fire with shovelfuls of earth. His prompt action was most valuable in that the position was thus concealed from observation from the numerous aircraft in the vicinity, Moreover the dump was sufficiently large for an explosion to have caused considerable damaged to guns and personnel nearby.'. (Source: The National Archives. Recommendation for Award for Buchanan, Malcolm James. (Ref. WO 373/27/482). Military Medal.
      Further Reference
    • Commonwealth War Graves Commission record
      Sources Used
  • References
    • Auckland Museum. Roll of Honour, Auckland Province, 1939 - 1945. Auckland War Memorial Museum Library. MS 93/139. AWMM
    • Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force. (1941). Nominal Roll Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force No. 3 (Embarkations from 1st July, 1940 to 31st March, 1941). Wellington, N.Z.: Govt. Printer. AWMM
      WW2 3: WW2 62 AWMM
    • Murphy, W. (1966). 2nd New Zealand Divisional Artillery. Wellington, N.Z.: Department of Internal Affairs, War History Branch. AWMM
      pp.141, 290. AWMM
    • Davin, D. (1953). Crete. Wellington, N.Z.: Department of Internal Affairs, War History Branch. AWMM
      p.260. AWMM

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