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Person search

Looking for a New Zealand service person? Begin your search with their full name, or their service number.

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Displaying 41 - 46 of 46 records
PhotoFamily nameFirst namesForceWarsService # 
C22153SpenceClarence MoresArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945264243 
171129ThompsonFrederick WilliamArmyWorld War II, 1939-194526429 
205469TinneyJohn BrianNavyWorld War II, 1939-19452642, NZD2642 
102852WaiteRichard GregsonArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945264268 
102857WaldinWarren BridgeArmyWorld War II, 1939-1945264218 
C69196WilliamsonCharles NorrisArmyWorld War I, 1914-1918, World War II, 1939-194513160, 26424, 626424 

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  • Still can't find the person you're looking for? It might be that a record has yet to be created for this individual. Contact us to request a new record

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  • If your search term is not a name try a keyword search.
    e.g. Symonds Street Cemetery, Air Force, Musician

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